Saturday, August 01, 2009

A Case of Crabs

What's missing here?????

This post was going to be about our new crabs... the crabs I forgot I promised when at the mall last month. I think what I said was, "maybe next time."

Well... my children may not remember their parts of speech or to clean their rooms, but those magic words are never forgotten.

And so we came home with two small hermit crabs.

Miranda and Sunshine.

Justine named them herself. The fact that she named one of them Miranda made me laugh until I cried. I don't think she meant you were crabby Miranda... I think she just liked the name. Really.

I really wish I had written this blog post a few days earlier.

I really wish I had a picture of Miranda and Sunshine for you to ooh and aah over.

But sadly I don't. I never got around to taking their portraits.

*Sigh* You don't know what you had until it's gone...

When we got home from Kansas City last night... they were missing. They somehow got out of their cage and are crawling around my house. We put out an APB for 2 crabs, one that looks like a soccer ball (Miranda) and one orange crab with yellow flowers painted on its back (Sunshine). They have yet to be returned to us.

If anyone has any knowledge of these two fugitives, please let us know.

In the meantime, I am watching every step I make in anticipation that one of them will be right under my foot. Squish.

I really should watch what I promise shouldn't I?

1 comment:

ZORT said...

This happened to my little sister many years ago. Her hermit crab was lost for over a month and they finally found it...and it was still alive. It was made even more memorable by the fact that the cat knocked the cage over while they were on vaction and the sound of it crashing onto the floor set off the alarm and the police actually came out and had to call my grandmother to open the house since my family was on vacation....Memories...Hopefully Miranda and Sunshine will be found sooner rather than later! :)