Thursday, September 04, 2008

A homeschooling Serenity prayer

God grant me the serenity to not permanently hurt my children today... physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
God grant me the courage to keep doing this day after day after day even when it's not fun or pleasant or even tolerable.
And God grant me the wisdom to know when sending them to their rooms and forgoing the rest of their schoolwork for the day is the right thing for all of us.


SisterMom said...

Ill pray for you too if you can throw our family in your prayer. Thaaaanks.

Rebecca said...

I'm definitely praying for you. I'm only doing pre-k homeschooling and trying to get my "feet wet" without all the recordkeeping. I hope I have what it takes! You're my hero (or should that be herione?)!