Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This week's activity? I think I'll pass

I opened my email this morning to find this advertisement:

Vasectomy - This Week's Activity on Circle of Moms
Wed, February 17, 2010 2:09:11 AM
Circle of Moms
Add to Contacts
Queen Bee


I don't know why this made me laugh so darn hard... the mental picture is too much for me. Sorry honey. I know vasectomies are nothing to laugh about, but the thought of a circle of moms doing their own vasectomies is hysterical.


1 comment:

Anne said...

The sleeping baby on my lap did not take kindly to the laughter that ensued from me imagining a circle of moms performing a vasectomy as their activity. Thank you SO much for that laugh. Baby may not have liked it, but I did!