Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Friends, dinner and a set of handcuffs

Tonight was a special night. No, not as special as the title would imply, but pretty close. We went out to dinner with two other couples who have adopted from Ethiopia. These people have become such wonderful friends to us. They have been there through the thick and the thin... through the waiting, through the travel, through the pouting. As you might imagine, it is difficult to get any "adult" time without kids. Between the 6 of us, we have 13 children... so getting babysitters, a night void of children's activities, and a free moment is not an easy task. Tonight we made it! As we sat enjoying each other's company, our phone rang.... home... Our first instinct was to not answer it. Jeff starts laughing as he gets off the phone. "You're not going to believe this." As the mother of 6 kids, especially my 6 kids... there's not much I can't believe.... on a daily basis. So we wait to hear what could possibly surprise me at this point.

"Someone put handcuffs on Justine, and now they can't get them off."

We had just been served our wonderful dinner. Jeff says, "I guess we'd better go."
I make him call back to get more info:
"Is the circulation cut off? Well, are her hands blue? What do you mean they're on her feet? Well, are her feet blue? Is she attached to anything? Is she hog tied? Well who did it? Is she crying? Try pushing it tighter to see if it will release. Put some soap on her feet and see if you can slip them off."
The rest of us are laughing so hard, we're crying. Only us. It would only happen to us. The one time we get out of the house, and our children are playing cops and robbers at home. (Jordan was babysitting and made the gruesome discovery.)
4 phone calls later, we find out that they were able to get the cuffs off of her and she is OK.
Crisis averted. We were able to finish our dinner and even had dessert. And we put the handcuffs away... where no one can find them.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Oh my goodness Gina! I am laughing so hard!! Glad she was released :)
