A friendly house elf who gladly cooks, cleans, does laundry, plays with the children, and can occasionally apparate a child to soccer, swimming, school, baseball or gymnastics.
Must be a self-starter, good under pressure, independent worker.
No pay or clothing, but room, board, and occasional vacation provided.
Inquire "in person" at our home in Springfield, Missouri U.S.A.
Just let us know what we can do and we would be glad to help! Hope Josh is okay?
I say you take mom up and let her clean while you all go do something. Sounds good to me. Love you all. I'm glad Josh is ok.
We are climbing out from under the pile. Going to St Louis on Sunday and being in "Delay Care" for 4 hours on Monday really cut into my cleaning/laundry time. Hopefully I will have things back to normal today...
BTW - Thank you for the offers to help. Obviously I had time to take pictures of my dishes and laundry and blog about it... it couldn't have been too bad! ha
I will be your house elf if you can explain how it is that our home has the exact same set of problems...but has no children living in it. Perhaps that is the problem? Or, more likely with my luck, I actually DO have a house elf that is just slightly bitter.
"Bitter, party of one! Bitter!"
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