Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It annoys me...

When I call yet another repairman, and instead of offering to come out and look at my not even quite 5 year old dishwasher, he replies in this really horrible hick, "I live in a trailer park," my aunt is my sister, "I am missing several teeth," sounding drawl...
"Sounds like you were lucky to get 5 years out of 'er. I'd just go get a new one."
"Dude, it's a Whirlpool GOLD. It's not like I bought it at your uncles SWAP meet last weekend. GEEZ."
Doesn't anybody want to work in this town?

Editor's Note: This blog entry was written entirely out of anger and frustration at the "man" and was not meant to make anyone feel bad about living in a trailer, incestual family trees or poor dentition.


Jenny H said...

I feel bad, I am getting so much enjoyment out of your pain.. Thanks for sharing though.

ellerbee eight said...

Ha ha ha ha (imagine that in a really witchy sounding high pitched voice because that's what I'm giving you)

Julia said...


I love you! Why don't you live in CO? Don't you need to at least visit--I'm sure your kids NEED to experience skiing right?