Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ah... Retirement...

I'm pretty sure we are enjoying my Dad's retirement more than he is. In case we forgot to say it, thanks Poppy. We went to Silver Dollar City last week and had a blast. I was trying to find the Amharic word for Roller Coaster... but somehow it just didn't translate. Up...Down...upside down, inside out... what? Our explanations of how much fun we were about to have just didn't translate, but once they rode a roller coaster for the first time, it definitely was understood.
Jack and Josh worked together to get to the top.
So did the girls!
So did Poppy and Justine. Look at that face.... doesn't that just say it all? Actually look at both of them. That really does say it all.
We got wet. We got scared. We had so much fun. Justine was big enough to ride a roller coaster this year, and after her first ride, through her tears, she said, "Mother, what have you done to me?" Jameson was too scared to even make a noise. She mouthed the words, "I'm SO scared." But don't get me wrong, they wanted to ride again and again and again.
Justine is a lot like me. She enjoyed cleaning up the balls the most. Oh, how we Ellerbee girls love to clean!


Jeanie said...

I love the ball vacuum!! It really gets my OCD going!! Its like I can't get enough of sucking up them polyfoam balls. Cracks me up when the kids want a turn - its like 'are you crazy?' GET IN LINE!!

Larsons said...

What a wonderful day. Glad everyone had a new experience.